Over the winter break, Vendor Members Group (VMG) wishes you and your family a safe and festive holiday season.

Vendor Members Group will be also be celebrating by taking a hiatus after our final event in 2023 until (approximately) March 1st, 2024.

We will post a tentative event schedule for 2024 which is likely to change - as we continue to prepare in consideration of broader options for our VMG Veterans and new members. 

At any time, VMG Veterans can request to continue membership in 2024.

Interested Vendors can submit inquiries as instructed on the "Join-VMG" page of this website. 

Loyal patrons and our regular customers can anticipate familiar vendor favorites while being introduced to new specialty brands in 2024.

On behalf of Vendor Members Group, Thank You for rewarding us with your presence and contributing to the success of our 2021, 2022, and 2023 event seasons.

We appreciate your loyal and continued support of small businesses, local artisans, craft makers, food preparers, and in our community events.