Please follow all instructions before submitting the Interested Vendor Form

Accredited by the BBB of Greater Maryland, Vendor Members Group consists of artists, musicians, writers, designers, food preparers, and craft vendors who create their brand.

Occurring throughout the year, CRAFTS GALORE! Events connect a unique entrepreneurial market with a supportive community.

Vendor participation in CRAFTS GALORE! is exclusive to Vendor Members Group. 

Member assignment (inside or outside) is on a first-paid basis. With limited event space and to prevent market saturation, not all interested vendors will be approved for membership - which will positively enhance the market visibility of our approved brands.

Interested vendors are responsible for obtaining:

For membership consideration, interested vendors must follow our official process outlined below.

Important to note: Our selected location (the church and staff)supports our vision. However, they conduct separate business operations and are not to be mistaken as our answering service.

Event space is limited and offered to members on a FIRST-PAID BASIS:

Multiple events (5-8 annually) require extensive operational costs (monthly advertising, supplies, signage, incentives, facility costs, etc.).

To cover these costs, Vendor Members Group keeps fees reasonable, affordable, market competitive, and determined by the number of contracted events. 

Advanced payment of fees is required, non-negotiable, non-transferable, and non-refundable.

On the fence? Visit us in person at CRAFTS GALORE! Events or click the button below to request vendor consideration.